With Thanksgiving winding down and Christmas coming into full swing, its easy to get swept away from the cozy, reflective mood of the November holiday for the hustle, stress and price tag that so often has become synonymous with Christmas. If your family is like ours this year and is gearing the season towards memories rather than wrapped gifts, we've put together a list of a few experiences that might work well in your holiday schedule:
For the Little Kids:
Santa's Workshop - Saturday, December 7 - Chatham Bars Inn, Chatham
Holiday Teddy Bear Tea Party - Sunday, December 1, 8, 15 - Chatham Bars Inn, Chatham
For the Bigger Kids:
Art-Tastic Holiday Party - Thursday, December 12 - Cahoon Museum of Art, Cotuit
Felting Ornaments with Blue Anchor Studio - Saturday, December 14 - Osterville Village Library, Osterville

For the 'Still Kids at Heart':
Boxwood Tree Workshop 'Creative Mingle' with Katri Mullaly - Sunday, December 1 - Osterville Village Library
15th Annual Cape Cod Celtic Christmas Celebration - Saturday, December 14 - Cultural Center of Cape Cod - South Yarmouth
A Charlie Brown Christmas Album: Live at CCtfA - Monday, December 16 - Cotuit Center for the Arts, Cotuit
Candle Making Workshop - Saturday, December 28 - Osterville Village Library, Osterville
Hanukkah Party & Lighting of the Menorah - Saturday, December 28- Chatham Bars Inn, Chatham
For Sporty Families:
Santa Stampede 5k Run - Saturday, December 7 - Barley Neck, Orleans
For Foodie Families:
Second-Annual Holiday Baking Classic - Sunday, December 8 - Wequasset Resort & Golf Club
Gingerbread House Workshops - December 11 - December 20 - Chatham Bars Inn, Chatham
Plant-Based Pot Luck with Anke Rudy "The Vegucator" - Thursday, December 12 - Osterville Villiage Libary, Osterville
For Nature Families:
Lighting of the Littlest Christmas Tree - Sunday, December 1 - Sandwich
Taylor-Bray Farm Holiday Festival - Saturday, December 7 - Sunday December 8th - Taylor-Bray Farm
Happy Howl-idays Christmas Stroll Dog Parade - Saturday, Deceber 14 - Osterville Village Library, Osterville
Christmas Strolls:
Hyannis Village Stroll & Boat Parade - Saturday, December 7 - Main St, Hyannis
Centerville Christmas Stroll - Sunday, December 8 - Main St, Centerville
Dennis Village Stroll - Sunday, December 8 - Main St, Rt 6a, Dennis
Sandwich Village Stroll - Sunday, December 8 - Jarves St & Rt 6A, Sandwich
Yarmouth Port Village Stroll - Sunday, December 8 - Rt 6a, Yarmouth Port
Osterville Open House & Stroll - Friday December 13 - Osterville
Chatham Christmas by the Sea Stroll Weekend - Friday, December 13 - Sunday December 15 - Main St, Chatham
Annual Holiday Cookie Stroll - Saturday December 14 - Cultural Center of Cape Cod - South Yarmouth
Mashpee Christmas Parade - Saturday, December 14 - Steeple Street, Mashpee
Looking for more fun holiday events? Visit Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce to view their calendar of events!